-->Methods specific to Grid

RowCount: This method is used to get the number of rows available in the grid

Eg: RC = SwfWindow(“Enquiry”).SwfTable(“DataGrid1”).RowCount

CoulmnCount: This method is used to get the number of columns available in the grid.

Eg: CC = SwfWindow(“Enquiry”).SwfTable(“DataGrid1”).ColumnCount

SelectCell: This method is used to active or select a cell by providing Row, Column index

Eg: SC = SwfWindow(“Enquiry”).SwfTable(“DataGrid1”).SelectCell 1,0

SetCellData: This method is used to write the data to a particular cell by mentioning the row and column index.

Eg: SCD= SwfWindow(“Enquiry”).SwfTable(“DataGrid1”).SetCellData 1,0,“143”
GetCellData: This method is used to get the data from a particular cell by mentioning the row and column index

Eg: GCD=SwfWindow(“Enquiry”).SwfTable(“DataGrid1”).GetCellData(1,0)

Eg: Write a script to check a particular value is available in the grid or not
ExpVal = “143”: found = false
RC = SwfWindow(“Enquiry”).SwfTable(“DataGrid1”).RowCount
CC = SwfWindow(“Enquiry”).SwfTable(“DataGrid1”).ColumnCount
For i=0 to RC-1
For j=0 to CC-1
ActVal =SwfWindow(“Enquiry”).SwfTable(“DataGrid1”).GetCellData(i,j)
If ExpVal=ActVal Then
msgbox “The Value Exists in the Grid”
Exit for
End If
If found=True Then
Exit for
End If