Working with Excel files

1) In this let us discuss about the Data Driven testing using Excel sheet. Highlight the invalid validation with Red and valid one with green color based on the presence of the error message displaying ...

Set myexcel = createobject("excel.application") 'create an excelsheet object
Set myfile ="C:\test1.xls") 'create an excel sheet in a specified folder
myexcel.visible = true
Set mysheet = myfile.worksheets("sheet1") 'assign the sheet in excel
Row_cnt = mysheet.usedrange.rows.count
For i = 2 to Row_cnt

FirstName = mysheet.cells(i,"A")
LastName = mysheet.cells(i,"B")

Set FirName = description.Create
FirName("name").value = "firstName"

Set LasName = description.Create
LasName("name").value = "lastName"

set erfir = description.create
erfir("outertext").value= "Enter valid First Name"
erfir("class").value = "errmessage"
erfir("Class Name").value = "WebElement"

Browser(hmbro).page(hmpage).webedit( FirName).set FirstName
If Browser(hmbro).page(hmpage).WebElement(erfir).Exist Then
print "Invalid First name: " & FirstName
mysheet.cells(i,"A").font.color =vbred
mysheet.cells(i,"A").font.color = vbgreen
End If

Browser(hmbro).page(hmpage).webedit(LasName).Set LastName
set erlast = description.create()
erlast("outertext").value= "Enter valid Last Name"
erlast("class").value = "errmessage"
erlast("Class Name").value = "WebElement"
If Browser(hmbro).page(hmpage).WebElement(erlast).Exist Then
print "Invalid Last name: " & LastName
mysheet.cells(i,"B").font.color = vbred
mysheet.cells(i,"B").font.color =vbgreen

End If
set myexcel = nothing

2) Compare two excel sheets:

Set a = createobject ("excel.application")
a.visible= True
Set b = ("D:\test1.xls")
Set c = ("D:\test2.xls")
Set d = b.worksheets (1)
Set e = c.worksheets (1)
For each cell in d.usedRange
If cell.value<>e.range (cell.address).value Then
cell.font.color = vbgreen
cell.font.color = vbred
End If
a.quit ' If u want to close the excel then use this syntax
Set a=nothing

3) Create an Excel, Edit and provide a hyperlink to the edited text

Set excel = createobject("excel.application")
excel.visible = true
Set myfile = excel.workbooks.add
Set sheet = excel.worksheets(1)
sheet.cells(1,1) = "testing"
Set range = excel.range("A1")
Set hyperlink = sheet.hyperlinks.add(range,"")