-->Check Points (Cont...)

Database Checkpoint:
This option is used to verify the contents of a database table.
Steps to Insert Database Checkpoint (Ms-Access):
1. Ensure that the required database is available
2. Select Insert option from menu -> Checkpoint -> Database checkpoint
3.Select your database selection preferences. You can choose from the following options: *Create query using Microsoft Query. Opens Microsoft Query, enabling you to create a new query. After you finish defining your query, you return to QuickTest. This option is available only if you have Microsoft Query installed on your computer.
*Specify SQL statement manually. Opens the Specify SQL statement screen in the wizard, which enables you to specify the connection string and an SQL statement.
*Maximum number of rows. Select this check box if you would like to limit the number of rows and enter the maximum number of database rows to check or output. You can specify a maximum of 32,000 rows.
*Show me how to use Microsoft Query. Displays an instruction screen when you click Next before opening Microsoft Query. (Enabled only when Create query using Microsoft Query is selected).
4. Select the radio button Specify the sql statement manually.
5. Click on Next
6. Click on Create (To Create a New Connection String)
7. Click on New (To Create a New DSN)
8. Select the database driver in Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)
9. Click on browse -> Provide the name of the DSN
10. Click on Save -> Click on Next -> Click on Finish
11. Click on Select database
12. Select the required drive name & navigate to the location where the database file exists
13. Select the required “.mdb” file -> Click on OK
14. Select the DSN which we have created -> Click on OK
15. Provide the required SQL command (Select * from order)
16. Click on Finish
17. Select the required cell & edit the expected value required -> Click on OK

XML Checkpoint:
This option is used to verify the contents schema, attributes, etc of an XML file.

We can create XML checkpoints in 2 ways
1. XML checkpoint from Resource
2. XML checkpoint from Application

Steps to Insert XML Checkpoint From Resource:
1. Ensure that the path of the XML file is available
2. Select Insert -> Checkpoint -> XML checkpoint
3. Provide the path of the XML checkpoint -> Click on OK
4. Select the required mode from the left panel & Select the required attribute from the right panel.
5. Edit the expected value from the attributes
6. Enable the check button “Number of attributes”
7. Click on OK

Steps to Insert XML Checkpoint From Application:

1. Ensure that the XML file is open
2. Click on record
3. Select insert -> Checkpoint -> XML checkpoint from application
4. Take the hand icon -> Click on the XML file
5. Select the required nodes and required attributes
6. Edit the expected values from the attributes
7. Click on OK