1. Prepare the record & Run settings
2. Create a basic test
3. Customize or Enhance the test
4. Debug the test
5. Execute the test
6. Analyze the results
7. Summarize the reports
Steps to prepare the Record & Run Settings:
1. Select programs --> Quick Test Pro --> Quick Test Pro
2. Select the required add-in’s like Web, Visual Basic, etc.
3. Click on OK
4. Select blank test option
5. Select Automation -->‘Record & Run’ settings
6. Select the required tab. i.e, Web or Windows AUT
(The addons that were enable will be displaying here. For eg: qtp uncheck the check box of web in the start page of qtp and observe the Record and Run Settings page)
7. In case of “Web”
a. Select the radio button “Open the following address when the record or run session begins”
b. Provide the URL
8. In case of “Windows”
a. Select the radio button “Record & Run only on”
b. Provide the path of the exe file
9. Click on apply & Click on OK
Create a basic Test
We can create a basic test using one of the recording options available in QTP. When we create a basic test, QTP generates the scripting in two formats.
• Collapsible Icon based format.
• VB script text format.
Steps to create basic test:
1. Ensure that the record and run settings are provided.
2. Click on record button (or) select automation -> record (or) F3.
3. Perform the required steps on the application.
4. Select Automation -> stop (or) stop button on the tool bar (or) F4.
QTP generates the script in 2 formats.
• Key word view (Collapsible Icon based format)
• Expert view (VB Script text format)
Customize or enhance the script:
Once the basic test is ready, we can customize or enhance the script using various features of QTP and VB script as per the test cases.
Debug the script:
Once we customize or enhance the script, there can be some logical errors in the script, which we can debug using the debug options like step into, step over, step out, watch list etc.
Execute the script:
Once the script is free from all errors, we can execute the script by selecting Automation --> Run (or) F5.
Steps to Run/Execute script:
1. Ensure that only one instance of the application is running.
2. Select Automation --> Run.
Analyze the results:
Once the script is executed successfully, it will automatically generate a report called “Test Fusion Report” which by default contains the name, starting time, ending time; time zone and the overall result pass or fail. By navigating the tree view on the left panel we can view the results for each step.
Automation --> Results.
Note: If Results page was not displayed then,
Select Tools --> Options --> Run --> View results when run session ends --> Apply --> OK
Summarize Results:
If QC is available, we can integrate QTP with QC and track the reports, bugs for the test cases which are failed etc.
Tools --> QC.