Image Checkpoint:
This option is used to verify the properties of an image like name, source, HTML tag, etc…
Steps to insert Image check point:
1. Ensure that the required webpage is available
2. Click on record -> Select insert -> Checkpoint -> Standard checkpoint
3. Take the hand icon -> Click on the required image
4. Select required image from the hierarchy -> Click on OK
5. Select the required properties
6. Provide the expected value -> Provide the timeout value
7. Click on OK
Text Checkpoint:
This option is used to verify the text from an object or window
Steps to insert Text check point:
1. Ensure that the required object is available
2. Click on record -> Insert -> Checkpoint -> Text checkpoint
3. Click on the required object -> Click OK
4. Edit the expected value -> Select the verification objects like space, match case, exact match etc……
5. Click on configure -> Click text before and text after -> Click on OK
6. Provide the time out value -> Click OK
Text Area Check point:
This option is used to verify the specific text string with a defined area.
Steps to insert Text Area Check point:
1. Ensure that the requires object is available
2. Click on Record -> Select insert -> Check point -> Text area check point
3. Select the required text area from the object with the cross hairs
4. Select the required verification option like exact match, match case, ignore space etc...
5. Click on configure -> Click on text before and text after -> Click on OK
Bitmap Checkpoint:
It is a part of standard checkpoint; this is used to verify the content of an image either by selecting the complete image or only the required area
Steps to insert Bitmap checkpoint:
1. Ensure that the required bitmap window is available
2. Click on record -> Select insert -> Checkpoint -> Bitmap checkpoint
3. Take the hand icon -> Click on the required bitmap/image
4. To verify only the part of an image, Click on select area button
5. Select the required area of an image with cross hairs
6. Enable the check button -> Save the selected area
7. Click on Yes to delete the area which is not selected
8. Provide the timeout value -> Click on OK button
Difference between Bitmap and Image Checkpoint?
1. Using image checkpoint, we can verify the properties of an image like name, type, source, HTML tag, and the content also, where as in bitmap checkpoint, we can verify only the content of the image and not the properties..
2. In bitmap checkpoint, we can verify only the required part of an image where as in Image Check point we can not verify only the required part of an image.
3. Image checkpoint is only for Web based applications, but bitmap checkpoint is used for both windows and web based applications.